Журналистика и событяи в мире


- Fukushima at Increased Earthquake Risk, Scientists Report
- Data Support Theory On Location of Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting
- Sun Delivered Curveball of Powerful Radiation at Earth
- Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Reveal Surprising Ingredients of Early Galaxies
- Energy Requirements Make Antarctic Fur Seal Pups Vulnerable to Climate Change
- Sea Ice Drives Arctic Air Pollutants, NASA Finds
- Most Detailed Infrared Image of the Carina Nebula Ever
- Brain Scans Support Findings That IQ Can Rise or Fall Significantly During Adolescence
- Tailored Optical Material from DNA: Light-Modifying Nanoparticles
- Plants 'Remember' Drought, Change Responses to Survive
- Protective Gene Discovered in Fat Cells
- Preference for Fatty Foods May Have Genetic Roots
- Mental Time-Travel in Birds
- NASA's Hubble Breaks New Ground With Distant Supernova Discovery
- Quantum Microphone Captures Extremely Weak Sound
- Making Memories Last: Prion-Like Protein Plays Key Role in Storing Long-Term Memories
- BP Oil Spill Hurt Marshes, but Recovery Possible, Experts Say
- Orientation of Ants: Every Cue Counts
- Volcanoes Deliver Two Flavors of Water
- Hybrid Silkworms Spin Stronger Spider Silk
- Ancient DNA Holds Clues to Climate Change Adaptation
- Design Rules Will Enable Scientists to Use DNA to Build Nanomaterials With Desired Properties
- Diabetes May Start in the Intestines, Research Suggests
- Explosive Evolution Need Not Follow Mass Extinctions, Study of Ancient Zooplankton Finds
- Targeting Bacterial Gas Defenses Allow for Increased Efficacy of Numerous Antibiotics
- Nanoparticles in Food, Vitamins Could Harm Human Health, Researchers Warn
- Two New Species of Horned Dinosaur Named
- Key Peptides That Could Lead to Universal Vaccine for Influenza Identified
- Tactic to Delay Age-Related Disorders
- First-Of-Its-Kind Stem Cell Study Re-Grows Healthy Heart Muscle in Heart Attack Patients
- Microbiologists Can Now Measure Extremely Slow Life, Deep Ocean Study Shows
- Babies Understand Thought Process of Others at 10 Months Old, Research Suggests
- Astronomers Look to Neighboring Galaxy for Star Formation Insight
- Super-Sized Muscle Made Twin-Horned Dinosaur a Speedster
- Targeted Proton Transfer Within a Molecule: Smallest Conceivable Switch
- Critical Stage of Embryonic Development Now Observable
- Bacteria Tend Leafcutter Ants' Gardens
- Erasing Signs of Aging in Human Cells Now a Reality
- Some Corals Like It Hot: Heat Stress May Help Coral Reefs Survive Climate Change
- Researchers Uncover a Mechanism to Explain Dune Field Patterns
- Nasty People in the Media Prime the Brain for Aggression
- 'Bubblegram' Imaging: Novel Approach to View Inner Workings of Viruses
- Roots of Hunger and Eating: Plasticity in the Brain's Wiring Controls Feeding Behavior in Mice
- Scientists Reveal Genetic Mutation Depicted in Van Gogh's Sunflower Paintings
- Study Shines Light On Brain Mechanism That Controls Reward Enjoyment
- Walnut Trees May Not Be Able to Withstand Climate Change
- Gene Affecting the Ability to Sleep Discovered in Fruit Flies
- Castles in the Desert: Satellites Reveal Lost Cities of Libya
- Sensing Self and Non-Self: New Research Into Immune Tolerance
- Ancient Domesticated Dog Skull Found in Siberian Cave: 33,000 Years Old
- Caught in the Act: Scientists Discover Microbes Speciating
- Evidence for 'Great Lake' On Europa and Potential New Habitat for Life
- Past in Monsoon Changes Linked to Major Shifts in Indian Civilizations
- NASA's Voyager Hits New Region at Solar System Edge
- Earth's Core Deprived of Oxygen
- Catching a Comet Death On Camera
- New Computers Respond to Students' Emotions, Boredom
- New Species of Ancient Crocodile Discovered; 'Sheildcroc' Was Ancestor of Today's Species
- Solved: Mystery of the Nanoscale Crop Circles
- Space Weather: Explosions On Venus
- U.S. Rivers and Streams Saturated With Carbon
- Dramatic Links Found Between Climate Change, Elk, Plants, and Birds
- Evolution Is Written All Over Your Face
- Fossil Cricket Reveals Jurassic Love Song
- Researchers Discover a New Path for Light Through Metal
- 'Double Tsunami' Doubled Japan Destruction
- Wireless Power Could Revolutionize Highway Transportation
- NASA, Japan Release Improved Topographic Map of Earth
- Looking at the Man in the Moon: Astronomers Explain Why the Man in the Moon Faces Earth
- Planets Smashed Into Dust Near Supermassive Black Holes
- Magnetic Moon: Magnetic Anomalies On Moon Are Result of Asteroid Collision
- When Dinosaurs Roamed a Fiery Landscape
- NASA Telescopes Help Solve Ancient Supernova Mystery
- You Can't Do the Math Without the Words: Amazonian Tribe Lacks Words for Numbers
- Clue as to Why Alcohol Is Addicting: Scientists Show That Drinking Releases Brain Endorphins
- Human, Artificial Intelligence Join Forces to Pinpoint Fossil Locations
- Daya Bay: Discovery of New Kind of Neutrino Transformation
- Magnetic Fields Set Stage for Birth of New Stars
- Chemical Clues On Formation of Planetary Systems: Earth 'Siblings' Can Be Different
- Building Blocks of Early Earth Survived Collision That Created Moon
- Tropical Forests Fertilized by Nitrogen Air Pollution, Scientists Find
- Paleoclimate Record Points Toward Potential Rapid Climate Changes
- Earthworms to Blame for Decline of Ovenbirds in Northern Midwest Forests
- Moon-Walk Mineral Discovered in Western Australia
- Getting to the Moon On Drops of Fuel
- Acquired Traits Can Be Inherited Via Small RNAs
- Societal Control of Sugar Essential to Ease Public Health Burden, Experts Urge
- Bioluminescence: Explanation for Glowing Seas Suggested
- Living 'Neon Signs' Composed of Millions of Glowing Bacteria
- Honeycombs of Magnets Could Lead to New Type of Computer Processing
- Predator-Prey Relationships Make Possible the Rich Biodiversity of Complex Ecosystems
- Astronomers Discover Rare Galaxy at Dawn of Time
- How Insects 'Remodel' Their Bodies Between Life Stages
- Mouse to Elephant? Just Wait 24 Million Generations
- Nanotube Technology Leading to New Era of Fast, Lower-Cost Medical Diagnostics
- Super-Earth Unlikely Able to Transfer Life to Other Planets
- Mystery Human Fossils Put Spotlight On China
- Future Forests May Soak Up More Carbon Dioxide Than Previously Believed
- Yosemite's Alpine Chipmunks Take Genetic Hit from Climate Change
- First Physical Evidence of Tobacco in Mayan Container
- Amazing Skin Gives Sharks a Push
- Birds Sing Louder Amidst the Noise and Structures of the Urban Jungle
- Ancient Depiction of Childbirth Discovered at Etruscan Site in Tuscany
- World's Lightest Material Is a Metal 100 Times Lighter Than Styrofoam
- Powerful Tool to Measure Metabolites in Living Cells
- Revisiting the 'Pillars of Creation'
- A Planetary System from the Early Universe
- Corals 'Could Survive a More Acidic Ocean'
- Scientists Create First Free-Standing 3-D Cloak
- Hubble Zooms in On a Magnified Galaxy

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0 47 2013-03-09 14:52:58  Анатолий
0 20 2013-03-09 14:52:39  Анатолий
0 14 2013-03-09 14:52:20  Анатолий
0 20 2013-03-09 14:52:02  Анатолий
0 17 2013-03-09 14:51:42  Анатолий
0 29 2013-03-09 14:51:25  Анатолий
0 15 2013-03-09 14:50:12  Анатолий
0 15 2013-03-09 14:49:28  Анатолий
0 23 2013-03-09 14:49:11  Анатолий
0 17 2013-03-09 14:48:41  Анатолий
0 10 2013-03-09 14:48:24  Анатолий
0 10 2013-03-09 14:48:06  Анатолий
0 14 2013-03-09 14:47:46  Анатолий
0 10 2013-03-09 14:47:19  Анатолий

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